Chairperson Rosemarie Rafael at APEC Peru 2024
August 15, 2024
Chairperson Rosemarie Rafael at APEC Peru 2024: Empowering Women, Empowering Economies
At the recent APEC 2024 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) event in Peru, Rosemarie P. Rafael
(RPR), the Chairperson and President of Airspeed Group, took the stage as one of the panelists.
Under the panel theme “Celebrating Change: Women’s Economic Empowerment”, RPR shared
her knowledge and enthusiasm for empowering women economically.
he has served as the President, and now the Chairperson of the Women’s Business Council of
the Philippines, advocating for the advancement of women’s economic participation in society
for an extended period. Her participation in the APEC- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
conference showcased her unwavering dedication to this important cause.
Throughout the session, RPR participated in a panel discussion with other experts to explore
ways to empower women entrepreneurs. The panel exchanged ideas on policy frameworks that
promote businesses owned by women and gained valuable knowledge from the varied
experiences of different APEC economies.
The panel’s focus on “Celebrating Change: Women’s Economic Empowerment” strongly aligned
with RPR’s mission to advance women’s economic empowerment. The dialogue provided a
valuable platform for exchanging experiences and best practices to nurture inclusive economic
settings. Her engagement in the APEC- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference marked a
pivotal occasion for Airspeed Group and the Women’s Business Council of the Philippines.
By advocating for inclusive economic environments, she exemplified the company’s values and
dedication to creating a beneficial influence on society.