How Can You Disinfect Your Packages from COVID-19
May 28, 2020
How can you disinfect your packages from COVID-19?
- Set up a decontamination area
- Establish a cleaning area
- Sanitize perishable items
- Transfer packed goods
There is no shortage of words to describe the kind of situation everyone is living in right now. People’s lifestyles have been drastically altered as a way of adapting to the ongoing health crisis. The logistics industry as well has had to cope with such changes. Though some restrictions have already been eased, establishments are still limiting their services to pick-up and delivery-only services. Since we’re making use of this kind of service, we need to keep in mind the importance of disinfecting packages from COVID-19.
We can never be too safe and sure nowadays. Sometimes, even the slightest bit of complacency can make a drastic difference. In something as simple as receiving packages, the best course of action would always be to follow sanitation and hygiene tips. Though there is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted through contact with cardboard boxes, or plastic packages it won’t be difficult to accept the fact that the COVID-19 virus can live on the surfaces of these packages for up to three days. Continue reading to learn more about how you can efficiently disinfect your packages from the virus.
Set up a decontamination area
Setting up a decontamination area should be done prior to you making use of a particular delivery service. On the other hand, this kind of measure is also important especially if you’ve gone outside and purchased your groceries elsewhere.
Before choosing a spot where you can decontaminate your packages, make sure that this area is established far away from your house, or where you conduct most of your daily activities. Make sure that this area is free from any kind of elemental exposure which can also reduce the quality or shelf life of the packaged item. For example, a garage or a porch can serve as a makeshift decontamination area. If you have neither, you may simply place them in a secluded area outside of your house which isn’t frequented by any household member.
The decontamination area is where you’ll leave packages which do not need to be consumed immediately, or which do not contain perishable items. These can be electronic devices, accessories, clothing, and the like. It’s best to leave them in this secure area for a period of about three to four days before bringing them inside the house.
Establish a cleaning area
Similar to setting up a decontamination zone, setting up a cleaning area should be done before you go shopping. This is the area where you’ll have to clean items that will be ready for consumption or will be ready for refrigerated use.
Once again, it’s best to find a cleaning area that is separate from where you’ll initially decontaminate the objects. This is so that you won’t contaminate the former with cleaning implements such as alcohol, hand sanitizers, and other disinfectants.
In setting up a cleaning area, make sure it contains stocks of garbage bags, garbage cans, scissors, and other items that you can use to open your packages. Make sure that you won’t subject yourself to prolonged exposure to packaging material which has not yet been properly disinfected. To ensure this, it’s advisable for you to wear gloves, facemasks, and the like.
Sanitize perishable items
After you’ve received your package, it’s essential that you sanitize your hands. You may also want to spray alcohol or disinfectants on high-touch surfaces such as door handles. After which, you can now safely move on towards disinfecting any type of perishable or consumable item that has been delivered to your door.
For fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables, clean them by exposing them to running water for a significant time period. Make sure you’re placing them away from their original packages to avoid further contamination. On the other hand, when you’re dealing with packaged meat such as beef, pork, fish, or poultry, remove them from their original packaging and transfer them to new containers. If you can’t do the latter, make sure you wash the original packaging with soap and water — making sure you don’t touch the meat itself — before you store them inside the freezer.
Transfer packed goods
When you’re having food delivered to your door, you may notice the most frequent types of packaging used to store the food items. These may be in the form of paper bags, plastic packaging, foil, and plastic containers. While it may be acceptable before to just simply bring these items straight inside the house, the current circumstances would have to disagree. Another way for you to properly disinfect your packages from COVID-19 is by transferring packaged goods to other containers.
It goes without saying that you should be washing your hands prior and after a product delivery has already been conducted. After doing so, transfer food which you will consume immediately, in plates or bowls. Ensure you’re following the proper garbage disposal techniques when it comes to disposing of food packaging. Food which won’t have to be eaten immediately should be stored as soon as possible in food-grade containers which have been properly sanitized.
Key Takeaway
At first, disinfecting packages from COVID-19 may seem to be a difficult feat to achieve. But you need not worry because this simple guide sets out to simplify the process for you.
While these methods might be time-consuming, these are ways for you to safely ensure that the packages have been subject to the proper sanitization techniques. In handling the packages, always make sure that you yourself have been decontaminated, by way of washing your hands, and applying hand sanitizers and disinfecting alcohol on them before and after coming into contact with the packages.